Washington Student Achievement Council Religious Exemption
The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC), in accordance with Chapter RCW 28B.85.040 (3) (c) and WAC 250-61-060(8) of the Washington Degree-Granting Institutions Act, granted CAPSTONE University religious exemption. The Washington Student Achievement Council has determined that CAPSTONE University qualifies for religious exempt status from the Degree-Granting Institutions Act for the following programs:
- Master of Theology in Spiritual Direction, MTH-SD
- Doctor of Theology in Spiritual Direction, DTH-SD
- Master of Theology in Chaplaincy, MTH-CH
- Doctor of Theology in Chaplaincy, DTH-CH
- Doctor of Theology in Clinical Pastoral Psychotherapy, DTH-CPP
- Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry, MDIV-PM
- Master of Theology in Spiritual Care, MTH-SC
- Doctor of Theology in Spiritual Care, DTH-SC
- Master of Theology in Spiritual Care Nursing, MTH-SN
- Doctor of Theology in Thanatology, DTH-THAN
The Council makes no evaluation of the administration, faculty, business practices, financial condition, or quality of the offerings by this institution.
The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC), in accordance with Chapter RCW 28B.85.040 (3) (c) and WAC 250-61-060(8) of the Washington Degree-Granting Institutions Act, granted CAPSTONE University religious exemption. The Washington Student Achievement Council has determined that CAPSTONE University qualifies for religious exempt status from the Degree-Granting Institutions Act for the following programs:
- Master of Theology in Spiritual Direction, MTH-SD
- Doctor of Theology in Spiritual Direction, DTH-SD
- Master of Theology in Chaplaincy, MTH-CH
- Doctor of Theology in Chaplaincy, DTH-CH
- Doctor of Theology in Clinical Pastoral Psychotherapy, DTH-CP
- Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry, MDIV-DV
- Master of Divinity Degree in Chaplaincy, MDIV-CH
- Doctor of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry, DD-DV
- Doctor of Theology in Adult Education, DTH-ED
- Master of Theology in Spiritual Care, MTH-SC
- Doctor of Theology in Spiritual Care, DTH-SC
- Master of Theology in Thanatology, MTH-TY
- Doctor of Theology in Thanatology, DTH-TY
- Master of Theology in Multifaith Chaplaincy, MTH-MC
- Doctor of Theology in Multifaith Chaplaincy, DTH-MC
- Master of Theology in Islamic Studies, MTH-IS
- Doctor of Theology in Islamic Studies, DTH-IS
- Master of Theology in Jewish Studies, MTH-JW
- Doctor of Theology in Jewish Studies, DTH-JW
The Council makes no evaluation of the administration, faculty, business practices, financial condition, or quality of the offerings by this institution.