School of Pastoral Ministry

School of Pastoral Ministry
Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry
The CAPSTONE School of Pastoral Ministry provides students with the skill set and knowledge to serve as leaders in faith communities and pastoral settings in a variety of settings including health care, the military, first response, business, corrections, and the community.
The School of Pastoral Ministry Learning Outcomes:
- Critically engage with biblical and other sacred texts to develop theological awareness and understanding.
- Understand and explore the history and theology of Christian faith styles.
- Develop cultural competence, community ministry and social awareness.
- Apply methods for incorporating the teachings of a faith into the lives of individuals and faith communities.
- Articulate and share theological insights to educate, inspire and lead in a variety of multifaith settings.
- Evaluate and meet spiritual care needs and employ pastoral care strategies to support growth and healing.
- Engage with various models and theories of psycho-spiritual development to enhance pastoral care.
- Embody pastoral Leadership and communications skills through personal transformation and self-care awareness.
- Understand the structure and flow of a variety of Christocentric worship services and apply that knowledge to lead a variety of services in a multifaith setting.
- Plan and lead multifaith specialty services including communion, baptism, dedications, funerals, weddings, memorial services, and initiation of adults.